WordPress Web Design

What is WordPress?

The majority of our websites are built with WordPress.  WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that powers a bit under half of all websites globally.  WordPress is a popular CMS and blogging system.  A CMS enables a website to be built on the frontend and updated on the backend.  Thousands of plugins enhance the functionality of WordPress, and when updated regularly WordPress is extremely secure.  Whether you want to focus on blogging or having a website that is constantly evolving, we can help design, manage, and host a WordPress website for you.

Is WordPress mobile responsive?

WordPress is extensively customizable.  We use customized themes that are installed on top of WordPress.  The themes look great on mobile, and tools are available to customize your site to be optimized for mobile.  We want our websites to look great, whether it is a mobile device, an iPad, or a desktop.


Contact Us

If you have any questions for us, please get in touch!

Phone: 507-328-1453
Email: esschobel@websitesolutionabc.com

Do you have questions?  We have answers!

We pride ourselves on prompt, professional communication.


Get in Touch

If you have any questions about any of our services, or would like to request a quote, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Telephone:  507-328-1453
Email: esschobel@websitesolutionabc.com

Contact Form

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